
Hi there!

Welcome to my blog! I am a passionate plant-based animal lover on the journey to discovering how to be more Kind in my choices. This blog is the insight to my journey.

Halloween. Hello-plants!

Halloween. Hello-plants!

Need ideas for fun Halloween treats that are on the healthier end and look fun? I got you. These babies are plant-based, full of goodness, and, dare I say, look pretty awesome.


I pulled those together to share after my WERQ dance fitness class. I wanted something refreshing and nutritious. Not to defeat the purpose of 60 minute cardio we just did, but to enhance the recovery instead.


These were the treats that I brought: Jack-o-lentern clementines, banana "ghosts", grape/kiwi shishkebabs. I also played around with apple "jaws" that ended up looking pretty cool, but were a little too messy to take with me.


1. Jack-o'-lentern Clementines

Ill start with the most complicated one so we can get that out of the way.

Take a sharpie and draw a face on a clementine. Done. Next.


2. Grape/Kiwi Shish-kebabs

I think the color combination of different grapes was what got me inspired. And kiwis just asked to join the party as I was walking through the isle in the grocery store. That's what happens around Halloween - plants start talking.


3. Banana Ghosts

These guys won my heart. So cute. So simple.


  • Banana
  • Coconut Flakes
  • Chocolate mini "kisses"
  • "Sticky substance"  - I happened to have vegan icing

What I did was cut a banana in thirds, smeared a very thin amount of icing around banana with a spoon(mostly top where the eyes would go) and rolled it in coconut flakes using my hands to make it stick.

I then stood up the "ghosts" scraping off the bottom of banana if needed, and stuck the chocolate eyes on.


I used few extra toothpicks so the treats are easier to grab, and it actually made the "ghosts" look like that had hands.

You can simplify this with just cutting banana in half, and using chocolate syrup or chocolate chunks to make the eyes. Still looks pretty cool.


4. Apple Jaws

Last, but not least - the apple "jaws". I personally think they look really cool! 


  • Apples
  • Almond butter
  • Blackberry jam
  • Pumpkin (or sunflower) seeds

So I tried few different combinations and this one is my favorite. 

I cut the apples in quarters, clean off the seeds, and made an opening for the staffing.

I put the almond butter first, using the spoon. And then, using knife, placed on top the amount of jam needed. I sat down the apple on the plate and careful stuck pumpkin seeds inside the little "mouth". Ta-daaa! Aren't they beautiful?!



Love, Krystyna

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