

Hi Beautiful Souls!

My name is Krystyna.

"Be kind whenever possible... It is always possible." Dalai Lama

In short – this blog is about my journey to be more KIND. Kinder to myself and to those around me – people, animals, environment. Kinder in small everyday choices and important life changing decisions. It is about exploring the meaning of kindness on a deeper level, and intentionally and consciously aligning my actions with my truth.

I have a theory... which I kind of borrowed from Dalai Lama, but he doesn’t seem to mind:

I truly believe that human kind is inherently KIND. When we are brought into this world, by default we are wired for kindness, love and compassion. Anger and violence are unnatural behaviors rooted in pain and fear. They arise due to unfortunate circumstances we get exposed to at some point in our lives. But however unskillful the actions, each and every one of us is simply doing the best they can with what they have at that moment. If we knew better – we would do better. And so there is no reason to judge, or hate. We can only fight shadows with Light. We can only share our own story, lead by example and be that change we want to see in the world. This blog is my humble attempt to do just that.

I will write about the choices I make that allow me to express more kindness in my actions, and the thought process around those choices. A lot will be about plant-based diet, animal shelters and sanctuaries, heroes who motivate me, platforms of change that inspire me, resources I come across and anything else I learn on this journey of finding and following My KIND.

I am certainly far from perfect. And I don’t feel ready to do this. But today my passion to alleviate pain and suffering in this world, to spread kindness, love and hope is greater than my fear to be judged or ridiculed. As Guru Singh puts it: "Being ready is an opportunity that’s common in every moment to act upon. Not opportunity to wait for." So here I go, flaws and all, committed to only do my best with what I have where I am.

I also want to say Thank You. 

Thank You to all of you amazing beings in my life. Thank you for being your beautiful selves, encouraging and motivating me. You are my teachers, and whether you know it on not, whether we talk or not, whether you mean it on not - you inspire and move me. I would not be who I am without You.

So I invite You to walk with me on this.

I'm not here to preach, or argue, or convince you. I will simply explore my values and share my story as I write it. And it is my hope, that it will inspire you to, in turn, explore the values of your own, and to...

...Follow Your Kind.

