
Hi there!

Welcome to my blog! I am a passionate plant-based animal lover on the journey to discovering how to be more Kind in my choices. This blog is the insight to my journey.

My [NOT] Running Update

My [NOT] Running Update

Today marks exactly 8 weeks until my first half-marathon - Jeff Galloway 13.1 miler on Sunday, December 17, 2017.

What makes it... "interesting"... is that I can not really run at the moment to prepare for it.

But if life was easy, where would all the adventures be, right? The story of my life!

My new perfect vegan Brooks <3

My new perfect vegan Brooks <3

I fully expected this whole "training-for-a-half-marathon" thing would be... if not easy, then at least pretty straight forward.

I made a decision to join Team Humane (athletic "devision" of The Humane League, meant for fundraising volunteers) and run a half-marathon back in summer. You can check out my earlier post on it here.

I had plenty of time to train - 4 months at that point. I love running. The weather is getting just perfect. What else can I wish for?

I thought I would just mind my own business, peacefully follow my training schedule, prepare to win, and raise tons of money #fortheanimals. But...

If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.
— Woody Allen

My plans would not make for a good story apparently. So there was something else in store for me!

Quick recap since last post

I injured my already weak hip and lower back during my move in the middle of August. Thinking it was not a big deal, I was a hoping it would just heal itself. So I kept running on it, dancing, and doing all the other active stuff I love so much. But it kept getting worse (surprise!).

I started working with a chiropractor, who told me to go easy on running for some time.

I complied. For about a week. But then I was seduced (it was not hard to do, believe me) to run a 5K with Team Humane.

#fast because we are!!!

#fast because we are!!!

We have one pretty irresistible team so it was not in the cards to pass that opportunity.

AND the event was for a good cause - Annual Run/Walk IN DEFENSE OF ANIMALS - 5K, raising money for animal wellfair.

We did great! It was a bonding experience for the team and we all took medals. I didn't prepare for the run at all, but was able to snatch first in my age group (I may or may not told them I was 80 years young).

Winner-winner, kale dinner!

Winner-winner, kale dinner!

I felt fine the day of the run (adrenaline and excitement are all goof pain-killers), but the pain in my hip and back increased significantly by the evening. I iced it, took baths with salt, waited a few days, but it was not helping. After a week it was still painful to even walk.

I was getting desperate to get better. And my chiropractor was getting more persuasive in advising rest. So I finally surrendered and accepted the fact that I will actually have to rest my body and let it heal.

So what do I do next? Sign up for half-marathon of course!

Let me explain.


The "what" didn't change. It's the "how" that I had to figure out.

Decision to stick with the half-marathon was a no-brainer for me. I committed to running back in August and I was determined to go through with it. Because of respect for myself and dedication to my values, because of respect for my team and how much they inspired me, and because of the cause I believe in with my whole heart.

But I had to get creative and shift some things around in my approach in order to learn through this experience versus just hurting my body and inflating my ego.

I tackled the ego first.

Originally my time goal for a half-marathon was 2 hours. That had to go. Setting realistic expectations for myself is something that does not come naturally, so I have been doing some work around it.

I decided to give myself permission to walk if I needed regardless of how long it took. Which will probably take a really long tim, will be embarassing, and I don't even know if this is allowed (it is my first half marathon), so maybe they will just kick me out. But I am allowing myself not to worry about it. All I am planning to do is to show up. Thats all. That I can do regardless of my, my ego's and my hip's fitness levels.

So, Sunday December 17, 2017 bright and early I shall be attempting Jeff Galloway 13.1 miler on  179 11th Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30309.

I am still hoping to recover and be able to run. But I am also leaving room for an alternative if that is what I need.

While deflating my ego, dropping the hard time goals also allowed me space to get creative in my approach to preparing for the event. And I came up with the best idea ever (which is also the worse half-marathon marketing possible, because it doesn't not exactly make sense)!

I decided that I will train for the half-marathon, but instead of focusing on actual training, I will focus on my recovery. And I will be just as diligent about recovery as if it was a running schedule. Healing will be my top priority before any running, endurance or strength straining. Re-route.

Dedicated to recovery

So what does it look like?

First of all, to be fully transparent, focusing on recovery does not feel comfortable at all. I am used to suffering for result, working through pain, pushing my limits. Otherwise I feel like I am not doing enough, I am pitying myself and I need to go harder and stop complaining. But I have tried that approach already and it didn't get me very far. My new approach is a gentle one. And creative. 



You have already heard me mention this guy. His name is Dr. Jared Simon at Century Center Chiropractic. A good friend of mine referred me to him. I don't always like what he says (for example things like "no, you shouldn't run yet" or "a 'patient' is called a 'patient' for a reason" - that one is my least favorite), but I listen anyway. Well, most of the time...

As you can imagine, I am very eager to get better. I ask tons of questions, and try to accelerate my recovery in any possible way I can.

Dr. Simon recently told me I am his favorite in-patient [facepalm]... Let's just say we have a special relationship.


Jokes aside, Dr. Simon has been amazing. He explained the roots of my issues in terms that made sense, set realistic expectation regarding timing necessary to get better in a very honest but hopeful manner, and laid out a plan for my recovery. Because he won my trust through that process, I have committed myself to his plan. I am following through with adjustments and massages, doing the stretches and exercises, rolling out my back and thighs. Even though I was not able (or rather allowed) to run for 6-7 weeks now, I am beginning to feel better (I think). 

I am going back for my re-evaluation next week and am anxious to hear the verdict. I am really hoping for a green light to start incorporate at least some running in my training. But regardless of what I hear I will have to tame myself remembering my new approach and focusing on recovery.


Part of the problem that is causing the pain in my back and hip is inflamation.

So I am emphasizing foods that are anti-inflamatory.


I make a big green smoothie almost every single day. They are usually packed (and I mean it when I say packed) with dark leafy greens - mostly kale, sometimes collard or turnip greens, spinach, or any combination of those. I add Omega 3 fats - usually hemp seeds, sometimes mix it up with flex or chia seeds. And sweeten it with some frozen fruit and coconut water or almond milk.

I religiously eat turmeric every day, usually with my oatmeal, or add to anything I am cooking.

I load up on anti-oxidants from the colorful fruit and vegetables and drink lots of water.

I have also begun incorporating periods of intermittent fasting in my practice as research has shown various benefits that include triggering self-healing in body. Basically I try to have my last meal at about 7 pm, and delay breakfast until about 9 am or later if I can handle it.


Its funny: I have a friend, who is a marathon runner, and one of the first things she told me when she learned about me running was that sleep is very important. The first thing! I did not see the connection at all. For me, sleep is usually the bank where I borrow the hours necessary to complete my to-do lists. And I am very much in debt. 

But it is beginning to make more sense now as I am learning that sleep is the time when our bodies heal after all the stress we put them through during the day, both physical and mental. And the way I was operating added to the stress while cutting the healing time. 

I am now trying to be more diligent and intentional with getting more sleep. My goal is at least 42 hours of sleep a week. I track it weekly, because it is very hard for me to regularly get enough sleep during the week, so I try to catch up on the weekends.

Ice-ice baby

This was suggested by Dr. Simon - he directed that I ice my back after strenuous activities (like my dance classes I refuse give up). I don't know if that does anything, but I am desperate enough to comply.

What I do know though, is that it is not good to sit on ice for more than 40 min with direct contact to your skin no matter how dedicated you are. You are bound to get frost bites and bruises. I speak from experience - don't try this at home.


Roll with it

This one really feels good. Rolling my back, things and quads gives me instant relief. It takes some time and discipline to do, but is definitely worth the effort. I am shooting to twice a day.


Stretching through the day also helps. There are a few specific stretches I do for my back and hip flexers. In addition I make sure I don't sit for too long, but stand up, walk around, do some back bands (maybe sneak in some handstands) every hour or so.

Salt baths

Epson salt is supposed to be a miracle cure that releases tension, alleviates pain and fights inflammation. I am giving it a try. Goal to do it twice a week for about 20 min.

Am I doing ANYTHING to train?

Yes. Absolutely. But it is a second priority after healing.

I am doing anything I can that does not have a high impact on my hip and back.

I picked up swimming and cycling, still do barre and WERQ (dance fitness exercise I teach), topped with yoga and stretching.

Swimming has actually been pretty interesting experience. I am new to swimming in the pool. Don't know the rules and don't have the vocabulary. I just go and swim.

I usually spend anywhere between 30 and 60 minutes doing laps. Usually 25-40. I think what is most interesting is the mental part of it. Since it is just me and myself in my head. No music or anyone talking my ear off. So swimming has proven to be as much a meditation as it is a work out.

My new swimming gear. BTW I have already managed to lose my swim suit.

My new swimming gear. BTW I have already managed to lose my swim suit.

Cycling is something else I started doing to work on my endurance. Cycling classes are pretty cool. I go few times a week to group classes at the gym. I am also considering getting my bike out and tuning it up so I can get outside and ride.

Dance. I have a feeling Dr. Simon would call this cheating. But we are not going to tell him. Can't give that up. I am being gentle I promise.

Barre classes is my strength training. I do between 3-5 a week. I am also planning to try some strength training classes at the gym.

Yoga is my stretch. I do at least one class a week. 

Financial goals

My goal is to raise $2000 to help the cause. It is the least I can do to give a voice to those who don't have it. This money will go towards education about treatment of farm animals, lobbying laws that protect them, training the leaders of next generation - all of which will have a ripple effect of spreading more kindness on this planet, of awakening us to the love and compassion that is already installed in our hearts. 

Watch The Humane League - 2016 Year in Review if you like to see what this amazing organization has accomplished last year. The Humane League has been awarded Top Animal Rights organization several years in a raw because of how effective they are in converting the money donated into animal lives affected.

If you love animals or just want to support me in my endeavors, please consider donating as much or as little as you can here:

The Humane League - Follow You Kind Campaign

Every dollar counts. It will change lives of beautiful creatures and will give hope and motivation to me and my team.

More updates on my recovery and training coming soon!



WERQ &amp; Zumba Fundraiser we just did this Saturday, October 21 at Indigo Yoga Studio. It was a blast! Will have to plan another one! Thanks to all who came!

WERQ & Zumba Fundraiser we just did this Saturday, October 21 at Indigo Yoga Studio. It was a blast! Will have to plan another one! Thanks to all who came!

Halloween. Hello-plants!

Halloween. Hello-plants!

Cereal. Kind of

Cereal. Kind of