
Hi there!

Welcome to my blog! I am a passionate plant-based animal lover on the journey to discovering how to be more Kind in my choices. This blog is the insight to my journey.



Just common people doing uncommon things... #fortheanimals

For several months now I have been working with The Humane League (THL) as a part of their athletic team, raising money for the animals. The athletic devision of THL I am a part of is called Team Humane.

Team Humane League participants are animal-loving athletes of all abilities who are joining together to reduce farm animal suffering. Teams train together in preparation for an athletic challenge (anything from a 5K walk to an ultramarathon), while also raising money #ForTheAnimals.

Our team - Team Humane Atlanta - is naturally the best of them all. We are currently ranking #8 in nation, beating cities like NYC, Chicago and Seattle! Just saying - we rock.

I thought it would be cool for you to meet my amazing teammates. Learn why they do what they do and maybe show your support in whatever way you choose to do it.


What do all Team Humane athletes want for Christmas?? TO SAVE ANIMALS of course!:)

If you can make your contributions between now and the end of December they will be matched 2:1 by generous Anonymous Donors and you will make 3X the impact in the lives of beautiful animals!

Here are some fun facts about the wolves I have been running with. I found true inspiration in these humble, motivated, passionate, loving and kind individuals. I feel so privileged to have gotten the chance to know them, and to form friendships that will certainly not end with this challenge.

Please welcome...

Team Capitan: Lawson Pruett, 28, Atlanta

Meet Lawson Pruett, 28 - Team Capitan

Meet Lawson Pruett, 28 - Team Capitan

1. Why did you join Team Humane?

I put a lot of importance on getting the results I want from my body, with a packed schedule of racing, work and personal stuff, this appealed to me as the best way I could get involved with raising money for the animals and making a difference. 

2. What is/was your challenge?

This year my challenge was to run a half-marathon, which we finished last weekend [December 17, 2017 - Jeff Galloway 13.1 miler]. Previous years I’ve ridden a country on a track bike, and riddden 300 miles through the mountains to Asheville solo on a track bike.

3. What did you gain from the experience?

I pushed myself way out of my comfort zone and forced myself to learn and adapt to not only new physical feats but entirely new ways of thinking and approaching things. This season has had a profound influence on my approach to lots of normal life stuff.

4. If you could get on top of the mountain and yell something really loud so everyone would hear you what would you say?

I’ve thought in this for a few days..and the way my mind works I really can’t think of anything I’d yell for everyone to hear. Maybe “you got this” I don’t know... I think the world could benefit from hearing a lot of different stuff.

5. Favorite vegan dish?

Curry, pho, raw foods, chili cheese burgers...I’m really just a big fan of food!

To donate to Lawson's campaign go here.

Co-Capitan: Jill Daugherty, 37

Originally from Columbus, Ohio, but has been in Atlanta for a total of about 10 years.

1. Why did you join Team Humane?

I just moved back to Atlanta after being away for three years and I was interested in getting involved in and contributing to Atlanta's animal rights community. I've been vegan for over 18 years and am always looking for ways to advocate for better treatment of animals. Joining the team (and becoming a co-captain) was a way to meet like-minded people and raise awareness of the horrors of factory farming.

2. What was your challenge?

To run a 10 mile race.

3. What did you gain from the experience?

I've never had to fund-raise for anything before, so I got more comfortable asking people to donate to a cause that I believe it. I also showed myself that I can still train for and run a race. Perhaps best of all, I've meet some really great people!

4. What would you yell from the top of a mountain?

Animals deserve life just as much as humans do!

5. Favorite vegan dish?

I have a huge sweet tooth and I haven't found anything better than Southern Sweets' cakes - carrot, old fashioned chocolate, coconut - you name it.

Go here to donate to Jill's campaign.

Trish Roberts, 49, Brooklyn NY

1. Why did you join Team Humane?

It's the least I can do to help the most abused and forgotten souls, farmed animals. I hope that I see a major turn in the way animals are treated in my lifetime.

2. What is/was your challenge?

My challenge was to run 25 miles per week and hit the weights 3x per week.

3. What did you gain from the experience?

Setting goals with THL really motivated me to get stronger and step up my game. Meeting great people who care about animals made it an even more amazing experience!

4. If you could get on top of the mountain and yell something really loud so everyone would hear you what would you say?

Life is short, do something that MATTERS!!!

5. Favorite vegan dish?

There are so many!!! I make an amazing vegan Mac n Cheeze. I also love homemade sushi. I'm a little obsessed with vegan cupcakes too...

Go here to donate to Trish's campaign.

David Kipp, 46, Americus, GA

Meet David - professional medal wearer

Meet David - professional medal wearer

1. Why did you join Team Humane?

Charity, Comradery, Compassion 

2. What is/was your challenge?

Jeff Galloway Half Marathon 

3. What did you gain from the experience?

A PR! [a.k.a. personal record!] New friends.

4. If you could get on top of the mountain and yell something really loud so everyone would hear you what would you say?

Not enough people are doing enough, fast enough, for the animals or for the earth. 

5. Favorite vegan dish?

Deep fried tofu scramble chimichanga. 

David has been an active participator coaching and contributing to individuals within our team.

Ryan Bulzan, 30, Chardon, Ohio

Meet Ryan - Grassroots Coordinator at THL ATL

Meet Ryan - Grassroots Coordinator at THL ATL

1. Why did you join Team Humane?

I joined Team Humane to raise money for the most effective organization fighting factory farming, The Humane League. There is nothing I won't do #fortheanimals!

2. What is/was your challenge?

I ran the Mt. Tabor 8 mile trail run on Saturday, December 2.

3. What did you gain from the experience?

I gained a greater appreciation for the generosity of others, while also pushing myself to run twice as long as I'd ever done before.

4. If you could get on top of the mountain and yell something really loud so everyone would hear you what would you say?

"Veganism is not a sacrifice. The limit is your imagination."

5. Favorite vegan dish?

Homemade lemon dill cashew cheese.

Go here to donate to Ryan's campaign.

Cindy Blankinship, 40, Decatur, GA

1. Why did you join Team Humane?

I joined Team Humane to help raise funds for a wonderful animal welfare organization by challenging my athletic abilities, meeting new people, and having fun.

2. What is/was your challenge?

My challenge was to train and run my first half marathon. It was so fun, I think I'll do it again!

3. What did you gain from the experience?

From this experience, I gained a sense of accomplishment, and not only that but smashed my goals in the process. I learned that everything really does seem impossible until you stand up and try, making anything possible. Best of all, I made new friends.

4. If you could get on top of the mountain and yell something really loud so everyone would hear you what would you say? 


5. Favorite vegan dish?

Currently I'm obsessed with Pho, Spring and summer, I can't get enough smoothies and salads, but I also LOVE lasagna and ravioli with tomato sauce... and sushi. I can never say no to sushi. And cauliflower wings, and chili with guacamole. OH, and jack fruit bbq with mac & cheese, and collards greens. And French fries, tater tots, and hashbrowns. Pizza!

To donate to Cindy's page go here.

Charis Jeffers, 25, Winston-Salem, NC

1. Why did you join Team Humane?

I joined Team Humane because as an actress, I spend a lot of time waiting around hoping to be hired and I’ve been looking for opportunities to engage my other passions in ways that allow me to be actively giving back and working towards reducing suffering and making this world a safe place for everyone.

2. What is/was your challenge?

My challenge was/still is to raise $500, run a half marathon, and be able do 20 pushups and one pull up (lol to the pull-up, that’s definitely not going to happen by the end of the month).

3. What did you gain from the experience?

I gained knowledge of, and gratitude for, Epsom salt baths and apparently an interest in ultra-running. The season also forced me into speaking up about things I believe in when I would usually say nothing to avoid being interrogated about why I don’t care about humans and where I get protein. It was a great way of finding a community of people who are all on the same page, support each other, and help make it possible for me to start finding my own voice in a world that works so hard to silence it.

4. If you could get on top of the mountain and yell something really loud so everyone would hear you what would you say? 

I would be delighted to get on top of a mountain and yell, “Smash the patriarchy!” for all the world to hear.

 5. Favorite vegan dish?

My favorite vegan dish is literally any form of potatoes, forever and always.

To donate to Charis's page go here.

Adrianna, 25, Jasper, GA

Meet Adrianna - an awesome chef!

Meet Adrianna - an awesome chef!

1. Why did you join Team Humane?

I joined Team Humane to give back to the animals and stay inspired athletically.

2. What is/was your challenge?

I was kind of an odd ball of the team as I had foot surgery early in the year! However, I didn’t let that stop me from fundraising. My goal was recovery oriented entirely.

3. What did you gain from the experience?

New friends, a lot of knowledge and a community to keep me inspired and motivated!

4. If you could get on top of the mountain and yell something really loud so everyone would hear you what would you say?

“Love yourself and all other beings!” I feel this is important to humanity in the aspect of veganism and in general self care.

5. Favorite vegan dish?

My favorite vegan dishes stem from my favorite nonvegan dishes, because anything you can make we can make vegan! Sushi, pasta and tacos! 

To donate to Adrianna's page go here.


I guess I should answer my own questions as well...:)

Krystyna Rastorguieva, 29, Kharkiv, Ukraine

1. Why did you join Team Humane?

I was specifically looking to do a run for a cause I believe in. Once I discovered The Humane League, what they stood for and how effective they were with their money - it was a no-brainer. 

2. What is/was your challenge?

Half-Marathon. I ran Jeff Galloway 13.1 miler last Sunday - December 17, 2017.

3. What did you gain from the experience?

So much... I never knew I could run that far! And if I didn't have this purpose and commitment to you all I would have never dared to try. I never raised money before either. It was very uncomfortable, but truly remarkable to see how kind people are. And of course the people... This team... the way we encouraged each other, struggled through miles, smiled through challenges, sparked conversations and shared meals - felt like a family.

4. If you could get on top of the mountain and yell something really loud so everyone would hear you what would you say?

There is a way to improve your health, save animals, and reduce your environmental footprint all at the same time. There are no side-effects. No compromises. Go plant-based. It lies in an intersection of being kind to yourself, those around you and our precious planet.

5. Favorite vegan dish?

Tacos, nachos, veggie burgers, sushi... Sweet potatoes, and pretty much all fruit in existence. And kale. Lots of kale.

To donate to my page please go here.

Thank you for taking time to read this!

Each one of us can make a difference. Together we make change.
— Barbara Mikulski

Please join us, in whatever way you can. <3

Love, Krystyna

Universal Pasta Marinara

Universal Pasta Marinara

Conversation with Meghan Smith, Campus Outreach Director at The Humane League

Conversation with Meghan Smith, Campus Outreach Director at The Humane League