
Hi there!

Welcome to my blog! I am a passionate plant-based animal lover on the journey to discovering how to be more Kind in my choices. This blog is the insight to my journey.

The Green Healer

The Green Healer

My smoothie "journey" has certainly evolved through the years. I went from milk shakes (that was some years ago!) to protein shakes to vegan protein shakes. Then I slowly eliminated the vegan protein powders as I sifted through the evidence based nutrition science and learned that we get plenty of protein from whole fruits and vegetables (more on that later). Then I started incorporating some veggies in my smoothie, specifically, greens.

After hearing Dr. Brooke Goldner's interview on How to Health Podcast - her personal story of recovering (not a typo!) from lupus and having babies despite the predictions of doctors (seriously - check her out!), I have re-evaluated my smoothie approach and turned up the dial on dark leafy greens and healthy fats, among other things.

The green smoothie recipes I am about to share with you are rooted in the work of Dr. Goldner, advice from Dr. Greger, and account for my personal research and experience. All ingredients are there for a reason, and that reason is allowing your bodies the full capacity to heal themselves and energize you to live your best life. The recipes have also been tested on my many friends and co-workers... sometimes against their will.

I will start with the basics, then talk about few possible "upgrades" and finally will share my ultimate favorite concoction that I named The Green Healer for the obvious reasons of its healing qualities.


Level 1: The Basics

According to Dr. Goldner's advice, the main healing components of the green smoothie are:

Dark leafy greens - all kinds of kale, collard greens, turnip greens - switch it up to get a good variety of vitamins and nutrients in your diet. I love actually eating greens in my salads or just chewing on leaves, but the reality is - it takes time, and blending them in your smoothie may be the only way to get your green fix in the morning. On the other hand, if you hate greens, "hiding" them in your smoothie may be your way out...or in.

Omega 3 fats - healthy source such as hemp seeds, chia seeds or flex seeds. Try and see which one you like most. You can find all of them in any store these days. For smoothies - I personally like hemp seeds the most. Sometimes, I don't drink my smoothie right away and hemp seeds keep the best texture. Taste-wise, I dont think either makes a difference.

Froze fruit - bananas, peaches, pineapple, berries etc. Good source of antioxidants, and vitamins, flavor booster and texture helper.

Liquid - water, coconut water, soy or almond milk - you choose. I have been using water, and would occasionally add almond milk for extra richness.

So... based on that, here is a very simple basic green smoothie recipe to get you started:

Classic Green

  • 3-4 Large Kale Leaves (cut out the stems and munch on them while you are making the smoothie)
  • 2 Tbsp Hemp Seeds (you can use same amount of chia or flex seeds instead)
  • 1 Frozen Banana (peel them before freezing)
  • 1 cup of water or almond milk

Level 2: Fight Inflammation

If you are ready to turn it up, and have built up enough tolerance to handle just a bit more complexity, there are a few ingredients you can add to enhance the anti-inflammatory immune-boosting qualities of your green smoothie:

Pineapple - one of the best anti-inflammatory foods, it is also loaded with Vitamin C, which helps iron absorbtion from the greens, boosts your immune system and promotes bladder health. You can buy it frozen. I usually buy it fresh, cut up and freeze it myself.

Ginger - another powerful anti-inflammatory, aiding digestions, preventing and fighting cold, alleviating pain and muscle soreness, and helping with nausea.

Here is a slightly more advanced green smoothie recipe to keep you protected from all the seasonal illnesses that are flying around:

Pineapple Green-side Up

  • 3-4 Large Kale Leaves (more if you can fit)
  • 2 Tbsp Hemp Seeds (sub for chia or flex seeds if desired)
  • 1 Frozen Banana (peel before freezing)
  • 1/3 Cup (few chunks) Frozen Pineapple
  • 1 Ginger root (thumb size, peeled)
  • 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 cup of water or almond milk
  • *Optional: 1 Tbsp of Almond Butter (or dehydrated Peanut Butter powder if you are watching the fats) - because pineapple and ginger are pretty acidic I like to balance it out with some rich nutty flavors.
  • Garnish: Blueberries (because you should have some every day!)

Level 3: Bring on the Turmeric

Ok, EVERYONE should know by now about the incredible disease-fighting qualities of turmeric that have been proven by numerous studies. Colon cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, prostate cancer, Alzheimer's... the list goes on. Long story short - you should have some, and why not in your smoothie?!

And to ensure you absorb it all add a few turns of fresh ground black pepper - it boosts turmeric absorption by up to 2000% percent!

Here is my ultimate green healing concoction to rule them all:

The Green Healer

  • 3-4 Large Kale Leaves
  • 2 Tbsp Hemp Seeds
  • 1 Frozen Banana
  • 1/3 Cup Frozen Pineapple chunks
  • Fresh Ginger root (Thumb size)
  • Fresh Turmeric root (Thumb size)
  • 1/2 Tsp Spirulina Powder
  • Fresh Ground Black Pepper
  • 1 cup of water or almond milk
  • 2-3 Dates
  • Garnish: frozen blueberries, dried goji berries, cacao nibs.

Parting Thoughts

I no longer use protein powders for two main reasons.

First, because I don't need any additional protein on top of what I am already getting. I have tracked my macro and micro nutrients for a month and have been consistently getting 60-65 grams of protein which is more than enough for my weight.

Secondly - I don't really know what is in those powders and the effects it will take in my body. The FDA regulations for supplements is very vague to say the least. I don't always know where the ingredients are sourced from, where they are processed, packaged, how they are distributed... I personally trust a living plant I can identify much more than a powder with some added sugars.

I usually drink my smoothies in the morning. But sometimes I'll grab one for work later. It can also be a great after-workout "snack" if you don't want to eat anything heavy in the evening.

Hope this diminishes your fear of green smoothies and gives you some ideas of how to incorporate it in your day!


Love, Krystyna

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