
Hi there!

Welcome to my blog! I am a passionate plant-based animal lover on the journey to discovering how to be more Kind in my choices. This blog is the insight to my journey.

Hummus Quesadilla

Hummus Quesadilla

This recipe is a proof that eating healthy plant-based diet is super easy.

If you have zero time, don't feel like cooking, but still want a tasty comforting food - BAM.

You are welcome. Just keep your fridge prepared for this kind of emergencies.

I don't even know if I am allowed to call it a "recipe", because I just piled a few things on top of each other... But its my blog and can do whatever I want. 

So here is the "recipe":


  • 1 tortilla*
  • 2-3 oz of hummus
  • 1 small tomato
  • Fresh basil
  • Jalapeños
  • Nutritional yeast
  • Arugula
  • Black pepper
  • Salsa - Optional

*I used Don Pancho - it's vegan, organic, NON GMO and has only few ingredients.

What to do:

1. Turn on the oven (375*) and throw the tortilla in there to warm up while you are prepping.  ***If you are completely short on time you don't even have to do that.

2. Cut up tomato, onion, basil, jalapeños (may want to go easy on those!) and get the hummus ready.

3. Get the tortilla out of the oven and layer the goodies on one half of it, starting with the hummus, than tomatoes, onions, jalapeños, basil, crack some fresh ground pepper and sprinkle with nutritional yeast. Leave arugula for later.  Should look something like that:

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4. Fold your staffed tortilla in half pressing firmly. If you are having trouble keeping it closed flip it over. Place on a baking sheet (if you haven't already) and put back in the oven for a few more minutes. Pour yourself a glass of cold water, pull some salsa from the fridge and get excited!

5. Grab your quesadilla from the oven, open carefully, add arugula and salsa and press closed again. Cut it up and enjoy!

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Few notes:

Feel free to add or subtract ingredients based on their availability in your fridge and on your personal taste buds. 


  • Try out different ones and find the ones that work for you.
  • Be careful and watch out for ingredients. The rule of a thumb - avoid dairy, butter or any animal ingredients; strive for organic, minimally processed grains; the less ingredients the better.
  • If you are staying away from gluten - shop accordingly and pick gluten free kind. Everything else in the recipe is gluten free.
  • If you are staying away from flour all together - make it a lettuce cup, or wrap up the goodies in the collard leaves. It will save you the baking time!

Get creative and Follow Your Kind!

How important is diet in the grand scheme of things?

How important is diet in the grand scheme of things?